Die wichtigsten Meldungen vom 7. – 14. März 2021

14. März

  • Hinein in die Wildnis – Geoengineering: Feuer und Eis
    *weiterführendes hier -> https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/wasserarme-werden-wasserreiche-heissen-wasser-kriege-willkommen-in-der-hoelle-der-klimakontrolle-earthsystemgovernance/ (d)
  • Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Immediately (Open Letter to the WHO) — Vaccine Research Expert (Stoppt alle C-Massenimpfungen sofort – Offener Brief an die WHO von einer Impfforschungs-Koryphäe)
    He claims his beliefs are basic principles taught in a student’s first vaccinology class – “One shouldn’t use a prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious pressure (which is now certainly the case as multiple highly infectious variants are currently circulating”).
    His real worry though, or as he puts it, “beyond worried”, is that the humankind may severely damage it’s own, natural ‘innate’ immunity, because of the mass deployment of vaccination programs at this critical juncture. Our ‘innate’ immunity would be lost
    Vanden Bossche – ‘We must halt all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns as a temporary health benefit to the most vulnerable groups does not justify a public health disaster of international concern’
    I am all but an antivaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored
    The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.
    How long can one ignore the problem when there is at present massive evidence that viral immune escape is now threatening humanity?
    it’s becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population.
    Widespread and stringent infection prevention measures combined with mass vaccination campaigns using inadequate vaccines will undoubtedly lead to a situation where the pandemic is getting increasingly ‘out of control’.
    So, there is not one second left for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines.
    *der Typ ist ein bekennender Viruslüge-Gläubiger und Impfbefürworter, verbandelt mit Gatesbilly, GAVI, zahlreichen Pharma-Mafia-Konzernen und läuft Sturm gegen die mRNA-Shots! Natürlich sind seine Grundlagen Bullshit ,denn es gibt keinen SARS-CoV-2, keine Pandemie (ausser der seit gut einem Jahr grassierenden E.Coli-Pandemie 😉 ) und auch keine Mutanten, während Impfungen generell Teufelszeug sind, was es ja so interessant macht, wenn so ein Typ dann trotzdem so heftig auf die Barrikaden geht. Sehr lang, aber in Gänze beachtenswert. Siehe auch https://dryburgh.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Geert-Vanden-Bossche-Concern-About-Current-Covid-19-Mass-Vaccination-Campaigns-Mar-2nd-2021.pdf (d)

13. März

  • Why Do Americans Need and Seek Masters to Rule Them? (Wieso brauchen und suchen Leute Herren die sie führen?)
    Why has humanity succumbed to the idea of servitude as normal and right? The only plausible answer to this question appears to be that this is the real nature of man, or that most common men are fools.
    If any take offense to these statements, and most will, then you will likely continue to behave in a manner acceptable to the ruling class, and will also continue to cause great harm to those brave enough to respect freedom by your inaction and acceptance of voluntary bondage. You are also the ones that hide from the truth, hide in your home prisons, wear masks, hide and distance from others, that abandon your families, that close your businesses, that tattle on your neighbors, that line up for poisonous and experimental injections, and that continue to support the controlling few and their evil agents in government. You are the ones that choose to shame those courageous citizens that stand against tyranny, and you are the problem!
    Because most have voluntarily accepted their own slavery, we now live in a very dangerous time of extreme stress, instability, division, and we face the threat of terror and democide at the hands of the state.
    The state is happy in destroying the weakest and most helpless first, and is attempting to capture the minds and bodies of the young so they can more easily control the future. Is this what you want for your children and grandchildren? By your cowardice and passivity, you are helping to create prisons for all future generations.
    When the government and its fascist partnered henchmen hide or erase all free speech, what is left is tyranny. Families are being systematically decimated, and the purposeful spread of hatred is promoted at every level of society by the controlled media and the governing gang of criminals. The entirety of this government can only be described as organized crime, but is much more sinister and criminal than any mafia. This is what this pathetic population has created for itself, and blame should be placed on all those that continue to worship this nation-state and adhere to its evil demands.
    I care not anymore about those that have chosen to harm freedom!
    Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.
    Pericles — “Homage to Greece”. Book by Anglo-American-Hellenic Bureau of Education, 1943.“
    *in Gänze Must-Read! (d)
  • SOCOM Fields Killer Robots “For Immediate Force Protection” (US Spezial-Operationen-Kommando schickt Killerroboter „für sofortigen Streitmachtsschutz“ ins Feld)
    What comes next is autonomous weaponry and how a line of code will decide what to kill.“
    *siehe auch https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2021/03/09/are-us-special-forces-quietly-using-armed-robots/ (d)

  • Tanzania: The second Covid coup?Der zweite Covid-Putsch? Wo ist der Präsident?
    John Magufuli, President of Tanzania, has disappeared. He’s not been seen in public for several weeks, and speculation is building as to where he might be.
    In the past, he has also questioned the safety and efficacy of the supposed “covid vaccines”, and has not permitted their use in Tanzania.
    So, within two weeks of The Guardian publishing a Gates-sponsored article calling for something to be done about President Magufuli, he has disappeared…
    The Council on Foreign Relations published this article just yesterday, which goes to great lengths arguing that the President has lost all authority… (-> https://www.cfr.org/blog/tanzanian-president-magufulis-veneer-omniscience-critical-condition )
    If we are about to see the sudden death and/or replacement of the President of Tanzania, he will not be the first African head of state to suffer such a fate in the age of Covid.
    Last summer Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, refused to play along with Covid and instructed the WHO delegation to leave his country…before dying suddenly of a “heart attack” or “suspected Covid19”. His successor immediately reversed every single one of his Covid policies, including inviting the WHO back to the country.
    That was our first Covid coup, and it looks like Tanzania could well be next.
    If I were the President of Turkmenistan or Belarus, I wouldn’t be making any longterm plans.“
    *in Gänze zu empfehlen! – und zur Erinnerung nochmal das Folgende… (d)
  • Tansanias Präsident stellt klar, dass Corona-Tests unbrauchbar sind 2020 HD (DE, Subs EN)

12. März

  • Judicial Watch verklagt das Department of Health and Human Services (HHS; US-Ministerium für Gesundheitspflege und Soziale Dienste)!
    *hier die Klageschrift: https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/JW-v.-HHS-CDC-Social-Media-complaint-00625.pdf – Must-Read (relativ kurz) – dergleichen sollte dringend weltweit Schule machen – besser wie regelmässige Endlosvideos und sonstiges Endlos-Gelaber ohne harte Fakten (veröffentlichte Klageschrift!) wie seitens Füllmich et.al., der immer mehr an Keshe erinnert… **sollte eine Klageschrift Füllmichs als pdf öffentlich verfügbar sein (bitte unbedingt in den Kommentaren verlinken so ihr Kenntnis davon habt – ich hab schon zigfach gesucht und nix gefunden) nehme ich diese Aussage bzw. diesen Vergleich selbstverständlich vollständig zurück. (d)
  • Canada: COVID Denialism Now Enshrined in Case Law (C-Leugnung wird zum gerichtlichen Präzedenzfall)
    The judge is saying that if you challenge the theory (i.e. brainwashing propaganda) that COVID is a highly lethal dangerous disease, that can only be contained or avoided with mandatory social distancing and masking, that therefore you are “jeopardizing” the health of your kids. Wow. It is truly shocking a judge could be so out-of-touch with scientific reality.
    Finally, it turns out this judicial decision will impact whether his children could get vaccinated…
    Judges like this ‘Justice King’ character, who being part of the judicial branch is therefore part of the government, are blaming and punishing members of the public (and depriving them of their rights) for standing for the truth and not going along with the COVID Cult, when it is the government itself that is the culprit! The virus didn’t crush small businesses; the government did. The virus didn’t throw people into poverty; the government did. The virus didn’t put a strain on hospitals and the medical treatment system; the government did by mass inculcation of fear. So-called COVID denialism is not the problem; rather, the problem is when people are so programmed they can’t see beyond their noses. It is all the more dangerous when these people occupy positions of power.
    This is truly a gross and outrageous betrayal of justice. May the day come soon when the people who have orchestrated and perpetuated this colossal fraud be brought to justice. Some modern Nuremburg Trials would be appropriate.
    The implications of such a decision could be far-reaching if it becomes established precedent in Canada and elsewhere.
    Wrongthink is a crime.
    *in Gänze zu empfehlen! Dazu ergänzend am Rande auch nicht unpassend https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/at-a-certain-point-even-the-gestapo-had-to-stop-cancelling-people/ (d)
  • Gerald Grosz Tacheles – Österreich ist eine Psychiatrie 2021 HD (DE)

  • *passend dazu als Erinnerung… (d)

11. März

  • The New America: Bio-‘Ethics,’ Death Panels, and Killing Babies and the Old (Das neue US-Amerika: Bio-Ethik, Todestribunale – Babies und die Alten töten)
    Consider that this plot while planned for decades, has advanced in just one year to such an extent as to be threatening all our livelihoods, passions, families, freedoms, and even our very lives. Nothing has been left untouched, and exhausting oppression has taken over this country and its people, leaving little room for escape. Every aspect of life has changed, as everything is being based on the fraudulent ‘Covid pandemic.’ No ‘virus’ has ever been proven to exist, so this country has been destroyed over a lie created for that very purpose. The most pathetic aspect of this coup is that the herd continues to act as one, while most all are nothing more than faceless and expressionless drones cowering in fear of imaginary monsters. Family, history, and tradition are being erased from the human psyche, and this can only lead to servitude in a totalitarian hell.
    Without mass resistance, Americans should prepare to live in a dystopian nightmare where the ruling class; those in power that were voluntarily chosen and accepted by the sheep, will show no mercy and have no remorse for their calculated and conscienceless planned brutality.
    What has happened to date has been atrocious, but what is coming will be much worse, and on many more levels. Surveillance and censorship will increase, while freedoms will be doled out less frequently, and for shorter periods of time, as acquiescence will be continually tested. This is a multi-faceted attack on the people of this country. This war against the populace is just beginning, as each stage will bring more harm and more terror, as the draconian measures mandated so far will not only continue in stages or waves, but will eventually become more aggressive and more enforced as any pushback escalates.
    Our only hope as I see it is mass disobedience and mass dissent; so much so that the state will have no option except to use extreme force, and that will spell the downfall of this totalitarian coup being waged against us. Once the claimed rulers have to show their hand by relying only on pure aggression and violence, they will have lost their ability to control through lies and deceit, and will be exposed as the evil and criminal oligarchs that they have always been.
    Freedom is the essence of life; it is not a state of mind or a privilege. It comes from no constitution or bill of rights, or any government decree. It is inherent in the souls of man, and if not defended, it will forever be lost. To live free means that each must be willing to defend his freedom at all cost, even death.
    […]“ (d)

10. März

  • SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on 1 Big Fat Assumption (SARS-Varianten, Spike-Proteine und weiteres basieren ausnahmlos auf einer grossen, fetten [Kern-Fehl]-Annahme)
    – As the WHO, CDC and Governments ramp up COVID fear with new scary stories of SARS variants, let’s get back to the basics: there still has never been true virus isolation.
    No matter how much the MSM tries to convince you, those propagating the COVID narrative cannot overcome the entirely fraudulent foundation of the scamdemic. There is no virus.
    We must keep attacking the entire narrative at its base in order to uncover the truth.
    *in Gänze lesenswert. Wird auch hier https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/2020/11/05/wie-alles-begann-sars-cov-2-die-virusluege-entlarvt/ Einzug finden. (d)
  • Die Neue Normalität (Phase 2)
    *Original hier -> https://consentfactory.org/2021/03/08/the-new-normal-phase-2/
  • The Government’s War on Free Speech: Protest Laws Undermine the First Amendment (Der Krieg der US-Regierung gegen die freie Rede: Protest-Gesetze unterwandern die Verfassung)
    “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
    George Washington
    It’s a given that the government is corrupt, unaccountable, and has exceeded its authority.
    Ask yourself: if there are already laws on the books in all of the states that address criminal or illegal behavior such as blocking public roadways, trespassing on private property or vandalizing property – because such laws are already on the books – then why does the government need to pass laws criminalizing activities that are already outlawed?
    What’s really going on here?
    No matter what the politicians might say, the government doesn’t care about our rights, our welfare or our safety.
    Every despotic measure used to control us and make us cower and comply with the government’s dictates has been packaged as being for our benefit, while in truth benefiting only those who stand to profit, financially or otherwise, from the government’s transformation of the citizenry into a criminal class.
    In this way, the government conspires to corrode our core freedoms purportedly for our own good but really for its own benefit.
    Clearly, freedom no longer means what it once did.
    This holds true whether you’re talking about the right to criticize the government in word or deed, the right to be free from government surveillance, the right to not have your person or your property subjected to warrantless searches by government agents, the right to due process, the right to be safe from soldiers invading your home, the right to be innocent until proven guilty and every other right that once reinforced the founders’ belief that this would be “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
    Not only do we no longer have dominion over our bodies, our families, our property and our lives, but the government continues to chip away at what few rights we still have to speak freely and think for ourselves.
    What we have instead is regulated, controlled speech, and that’s what those who founded America called tyranny.
    As the great George Carlin rightly observed: “Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”
    Remember: if the government can control speech, it can control thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.
    *das Neuste von Whitehead – wie meist in Gänze sehr lesenswert… (d)
  • Modernas Top-Wissenschaftler: „Wir hacken tatsächlich die Software des Lebens“ (d)


  • Zum Abschluss für heute noch etwas belustigender Real-Irrsinn (d)

7. – 9. März

  • Bond Villain Schwab and His WEF are Pushing the Internet of Bodies (James-Bond-Schurke Schwabenkläusle und sein wahnsinniges Ekzem-Forum [WEF] fördern das IoB mit Great Reset, 4IR & Build Back Better)
    THE IMPLICATIONS: COVID, climate change and other tricks are pretexts for Transhumanism, a way for the NWO controllers to get at your genetics.
    The Internet of Bodies (IoB) hasn’t gotten as much attention as it needs to. It’s an outgrowth of the Internet of Things (IoT)…
    The Internet of Bodies takes the whole thing a dangerous step further by envisioning a world where these sensors are biosensors that sit on or in the human body, with the potential to thus make every individual nothing more than a node on the grid too.
    There are three generations of Internet of Bodies that include:
    – Body external: These are wearable devices such as Apple Watches or Fitbits that can monitor our health.
    – Body internal: These include pacemakers, cochlear implants, and digital pills that go inside our bodies to monitor or control various aspects of our health.
    – Body embedded: The third generation of the Internet of Bodies is embedded technology where technology and the human body are melded together and have a real-time connection to a remote machine.”
    It spells out the agenda pretty clearly. The IoB agenda is the same thing as the human microchipping agenda, just more advanced due to the progression of technology. The idea is to slowly introduce external, foreign and synthetic devices, frog-in-the-boiling-pot style, so people become gradually accustomed to it. First it’s on the body, then it’s in the body, then it’s all the way embedded deep in the body so it melds with the body.
    Notice how the words used here and elsewhere – reflect, reshape, reimagine and reset – are suggestive of the Freemasonic motto “ordo ab chao” or “order out of chaos”, which describes the method of destruction, of breaking people down, in order to make way for the new creation. The NWO controllers want to remake you in their image, as a synthetic worker-slave on their digital Smart Network. This is why they are trying desperately to get at your genetics. The next battleground is inside your body – your DNA. Whether it’s toxic GMO food or toxic gene-editing ‘vaccines’, it’s vital to realize that your genes are being targeted.
    The nanotech and nanobot invasion is well underway. If you allow your genes to be altered via embedded nanotechnology, it could affect you in at least 4 key ways: firstly, it will shut you off from your connection to God, a Creator or a higher spiritual source (depending upon your beliefs); secondly, your perceptive range will be reduced (thus making you more docile and less aware of the conspiracy); thirdly, it will reduce your capacity to access and utilize your higher abilities; and fourthly, it will allow you to be directly programmed via transmissions beamed directly to the nanotech inside of you, representing a new horrible kind of mind control never before known in human history.
    You must claim your right to bodily autonomy by refusing to consent to anything forced on or in your body. You must claim your right to medical sovereignty by refusing to consent to any medical interventions or experimentation – government has no authority to mandate masks, which are a mass medical intervention, and the COVID non-vaccine is a giant worldwide medical experiment. You must fully claim your right to breathe oxygen in an unobstructed and unrestricted manner. Don’t be lulled into becoming a human guinea pig for Big Pharma by taking a non-vaccine that will alter your genes forever.
    *in Gänze MUST-READ! Zahlreiche beachtenswerte Links im Text. Siehe auch https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/tag/iob/ (d)
  • Für unsere Kinder – Gegen Test- und Impfpflicht (d)
  • Maskenbefreiungsattest aus besonderen Gründen – Juristische, medizinische und ethisch-moralische Gründe für das Nicht-Tragen einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung / Maske
    *ich habe aufgrund der Übersichtlichkeit und Unterschrift eines Dr. Jur. weiterhin das Sach- & Rechts-Attest von Heinz Raschein dabei (d)
  • Die Botschaft des Waldes: Umweltzerstörung bedeutet vor allem Selbstzerstörung — durch die Rückkehr zur Natur werden wir wieder vollständiger
    „In der Weltsicht der meisten Menschen, die ihnen von außen eingeflößt wird, stehen die Dinge auf dem Kopf. Denn der Mensch erscheint in ihr als ein von der Natur abgetrenntes und unabhängiges Wesen. Nichts und niemand kann seiner rücksichtslosen Umweltzerstörung somit Einhalt gebieten, am wenigsten die Natur selbst. Dabei sieht die Wirklichkeit eigentlich ganz anders aus. Die Natur ist belebt und beseelt. Sie ist nichts, was außerhalb von uns existieren würde, wie der Begriff „Umwelt“ suggeriert.
    *wenn man mal den Bullshit bezüglich des anthropogenen Klimawandels und den streckenweise etwas zu überschwänglichen Zwangsoptimismus sowie den Hauch von NewAge-Ideologie übersieht, in Gänze sehr lesenswert… Ergänzend dazu siehe auch https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/2015/04/28/wasser-und-wald/ & https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/ruckkehr-zur-naturlichkeit/ (d)
  • Die neusten Errungenschaften im Versteckis-Spiel zur Tarnung der Strahlenkriegsführung bildhaft dargestellt (d)

*Updates folgen weiterhin mehr oder weniger täglich – nächste Woche wieder neu. Die wichtigsten Meldungen bis 6. März wurden hier nachgetragen.

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