Schlagwort-Archive: ESR

Die wichtigsten Meldungen vom 19., 20., 21., 22. & 23. Januar 2021

23. Januar

  • Prepare for Extreme Tyranny: The Likes of Which Have Never Before Been Seen in This CountryBereite Dich auf extreme Tyrannei vor, wie sie noch nie zuvor in diesem Land zu sehen war
    All of us that will actively dissent, disobey all state orders, and call out the criminal government, are now targets of this heinous governing system, and every tactic necessary to eliminate resistance will be used against us.
    How many are willing to resist instead of acting like sheep? How many will gain the courage to say no? How many will take the required risk that is essential in order to reclaim freedom? How many of you will stand up to those attempting to control you? How many will wait until there is absolutely nothing left before you question this corruption? How many of you will continue to do as you are told, regardless of the consequences to yourself, your families, and your friends?
    We are living a nightmare. The only escape from this horror is to wake up. If the many continue to sleep and continue to practice mass obedience, those of us willing to fight back will be targeted by this horrific state. If the people willing to stand up against this tyranny are silenced, incarcerated, or exterminated, all hope will be lost…
    But if large numbers refuse to comply, refuse to take orders, and refuse to allow this totalitarian takeover, then we all win. Division will destroy us, but solidarity will defeat the enemy that is the state. It is time to put great fear in the hearts and minds of any ruler, politician, or enforcer that would attempt to control or enslave us!“ (d)
  • Shapers of Slavery Part V: The AwakeningGestalter der Sklaverei Teil 5: Das Erwachen
    *das verlinkte Video von Austin Fitts gibts jetzt auch als DE-Synchro… (d)

22. Januar

  • *zum Vergleich… (d)

21. Januar

13 Kommentare

Eingeordnet unter Bewusstsein, Bilder, Bildung, Dokus und Vorträge, Dreckskapitalismus, Freiheit, Fremdartikel, Geopolitik, Klimakontrolle, Korruption, Kriegstreiber, Kurzclips, Kurzreportagen, Lustiges, Manipulation, Medizin, Menschen, Natur, NWO, Quantencomputer, Recht, Schuldgeld, Schweiz, Technik, Wissenschaft, Zitate