Höchste Radioaktivität in Fukushima seit 2011 löst unvorstellbare Konsequenzen aus!

Autor: Joachim Hagopian

Highest Fukushima Radioactivity since 2011 is Producing ‘Unimaginable’ Consequences

As the six anniversary of perhaps the world’s worst nuclear disaster in history (now rivaling Chernobyl) approaches next month, the worst radioactive conditions seen at the Fukushima nuclear power plant since the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami triple core meltdown are now dangerously spewing a record setting 530 sieverts an hour inside the reactor 2 containment vessel. To help put the enormity of this problem into perspective, the previous record was only 73 sieverts per hour.
Exposure to just 10 sieverts can kill a human within weeks and levels at just 1 sievert significantly increase the risk of cancer. At the same time that peak radiation levels at Fukushima are observed, US states are also now being hit with extremely high readings, even containing significant amounts of plutonium in recent months. Radioactive plutonium isotopes are known to be among the most deadly poisons on earth. Fukushima experts can only describe this week’s deteriorating situation at the Daiitchi nuclear power plant as “unimaginable.”

That said, today’s limited technology to decommission the global killer that’s already destroyed much of the northern Pacific Ocean habitat will take another four decades to complete. At that rate we all could be radioactively fried. Significantly high levels of cesium-137 will reach every corner of the Pacific Ocean within three years. With six straight years of ongoing nonstop fuel leakage, Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) still can’t determine the condition nor location of the fuel seepage. In the meantime, leaking melted fuel penetrating the bottom of the vessel reactor has burned a one square meter hole into the metal grating that’s now ready to collapse. Holes in other sections were also found. Photo images reveal below the reactor containment wall dark lumpy matter believed to be the melted uranium fuel rods.


Specially made, remote controlled robots designed to probe and assess underwater conditions around the reactors rapidly crumble and shut down due to the high toxic radioactive levels. Yet TEPCO is planning to insert another robot directly inside the reactor itself to examine conditions inside the containment vessel. If the water around it is so radioactive it destroys the robot, good luck on getting a reading of contamination inside the vessel.


The blind are leading the blind as never before have humans dealt with the enormity of this kind of problem. For six long years authorities have been clueless on how to stop the meltdown leakage and radioactive poisoning from spreading further, eventually to all corners of the earth. Literally hundreds if not thousands of tons of radioactive water have been leaking out daily into the Pacific Ocean (an estimated 400 from one account). And pretty much throughout the near six years, both TEPCO and the Japanese government have consistently lied to cover up the severity of the damage and danger to human health. Because they’ve never encountered a disaster of this sheer magnitude ever before, doctors also have no idea how to accurately measure and assess the health hazards that the soaring levels of radioactivity currently pose for the thousands of workers at the plant much less the severe threat to the nearby local populations.


But does this colossal, uncontrollable crisis stop greedy nuclear power companies and nations from continuing to build more disasters waiting to happen in our already very iffy future? Not a bit. America currently fuels 19% of our nation’s electricity needs from nuclear powered energy and wants to significantly raise that share. Construction of four more power plants are due for completion by 2021, adding to the 100 that are already operational with 24 more application proposals filed since 2007 slated for future construction. Accepting the unfathomably enormous, untold, virtually irreversible environmental damage to life on this planet that grows more devastating by the day at Fukushima now for the last half dozen years, it’s downright criminal to even think of building yet more nuclear power facilities anywhere on this already toxic saturated planet. Yet nuke advocates are constantly publishing new studies with one as recently as last month claiming nuclear power is safer than ever. And it’s that kind of disinformation propaganda that provides impetus for countries like the US as the world’s largest nuclear energy producer to blindly continue its nuclear commitment.


And our current president is as much an aficionado as the Bush-Cheney duo on both nukes for energy as well as war proposing a nuclear arms race over and above the $1 trillion already committed to nuclear upgrade. Trump’s also committed to extracting every last drop of oil and gas from this over drilled and parched earth. After all, Trump the anti-globalist candidate must keep the tradition alive. Once in the White House every American puppet president follows the globalist edict to continue raping and pillaging our earth.


A bogus excuse commonly used to justify the “nuclear renaissance” in recent years is the so called manmade greenhouse gases falsely linked to global warming and climate change that make nuclear development especially environmentally friendlier, so say two MIT authors touting their 2009 paper “The Growth of Nuclear Power: Drivers and Constraints,” published two years before the Fukushima debacle, which of course totally obliterates their already flaky argument. The paper goes on to promote the massive expansion plans for nuclear development in China, India, South Korea, Japan and Russia (again Fukushima and Chernobyl offer powerful sobering counterpoints). Even in post-Fukushima 2013, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) projected a high end expectation of near doubled worldwide growth at a rate of 94% in the coming years up to 2030. Thus, despite this unfixable, ongoing catastrophe at Fukushima, numerous countries are still willing to recklessly plunge our world into yet more irreparable, perhaps to extinction level harm of gargantuan proportion that we destructive human have no solution to even begin handling. It’s both insane and suicidal!


As if we haven’t done enough to kill off life on this planet, let’s take a brief look at the undeniable empirical damage. Despite the fortunate fate that winds blew 80% of the radioactivity in the first few days following the March 2011 meltdown due east out further into the Pacific, the winds then changed blowing plumes of toxic nuclear particles both northwest to Japan and south to Tokyo. In the immediate aftermath, all life forms in the Fukushima area underwent harmful exposure to gamma rays beaming up from the ground as well as breathing into the lungs and ingested through the food chain. But don’t think for a minute that North America being thousands of miles away wasn’t affected. Within just days after the accident independent scientist Dr. Leuren Moret determined that the entire US Pacific Coast and western Canada inland all the way to the Midwest reached as high of radiation levels as Japan. And ever since March 2011 people in the northern hemisphere have been continually exposed and bombarded with large dangerous doses of radiation.

Weiterlesen (must read!) im Original bei Empire Exposed…

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6 Antworten zu “Höchste Radioaktivität in Fukushima seit 2011 löst unvorstellbare Konsequenzen aus!

  1. Volver

    „Ps. Wer eine deutsche Übersetzung von Joachims Meisterwerk möchte. Mein Pauschalpreis für die Übersetzung seiner kompletten Abhandlung beträgt 500 CHF / US$ / Euro oder diesen Gegenwert in phyischem Gold. Zahlbar im voraus.“

    Dreimal LOL LOL LOL !!!
    Für jene, die der englischen Sprache nicht so mächtig sind, Onkel Googles Übersetzungsmaschine macht es relativ gut lesbar auf Deutsch für’n Internetanschlußpreis. Was allemal günstiger ist als wie es der Wucherpreis von 500 CHF / US$ / Euro ist.

    Da ist wohl jemand mächtig in Geldnot, und hängt an Geld mehr als wie er es ansonsten selbst gerne zugeben möchte.

    Wieviel Schatten werfen eigentlich 500 CHF / US$ / Euro?


  2. @Volver

    Du hast offensichtlich keine Ahnung wieviel Arbeit und Zeitaufwand eine professionelle Übersetzung gibt.
    Klar kann man das auch durch die Google-Maschine – oder alternativ Babelfish – jagen, nur taugt das dann nix.

    Ps. https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/klagemauer-tv-entschlusselt-dudeschen-aphorismus-die-krake-in-glanzvollster-art-und-weise/
    Pps. Und nö ich bin nicht in Geldnot, aber arbeite schon lange nicht mehr gratis (mal von meiner ehrenamtlichen Administrationstätigkeit hier abgesehen). Siehe u.a. auch hier https://dudeweblog.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/in-eigener-sache/
    Ppps. Natürlich kann ich auch eine Schnellübersetzung machen – die kostet dann auch nur die Hälfte, ist allerdings eben nicht adäquat wie eine professionelle Übersetzung; jedoch dennoch noch um Welten adäquater als eine Maschinenübersetzung.
    Ppps. Aber am schlausten ist sowieso, wenn man selber english lernt. Aber selber machen ist bei den heutigen Durchschnittsbiozombiekonsumisten generell so eine Sache. Das wär ja Arbeit! Da liegt man lieber faul in der Hartz-4-Hängematte rum und labert irgendwelchen sinn- & inhaltsleeren Quatsch in Schafsmedien- oder alternativer-Mainstream-Kommentarsträngen; oder spinnt anderweitig rum mit irgendwelchen hanebüchenen Thesen und Theorien fernab jedweder Realität und Tatsächlichkeit. 😉


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